Bid Response

The contemporary advertising supply chain is complex. It involves several critical exchanges between advertisers, media buyers, and digital media owners. Thus, for success in the advertising field, you need to understand key aspects such as bid response.

Let’s look at what a bid response is and its role in advertising.

What Is a Bid Response?

As the name suggests, it is a reply from the demand-side platform (DSP) in an OpenRTB system to the supply-side platform (SSP). It can also be from the SSP to the advert publisher. Essentially, it’s a communication to the seller that shows the buyer’s valuation and other key bid terms.

There can be a case when a buyer is not interested in a publisher’s supply. In such scenarios, you don’t expect the buyer to bid. Thus, the request will not have a response. The key takeaway from this scenario is that not all requests necessitate a response.

A technical issue such as a  timeout can hinder bid responses from being bid requests.

Relationship to a Bid Request?

A bid request is sent from the advert publisher to the SSP or an SSP to a DSP. A bid request contains critical information that is handy in facilitating the marketing of the advertising opportunity to the buyer.

Thus, it can influence decisions such as domain valuation. It also has information on why the opportunity is worthwhile. After the DSP evaluates the bid request, they can send the bid response immediately.

Among the key components of a bid request includes the following:

  • The amount of the bid
  • A banner or video highlighting the creative’s ID
  • The bidder’s ID

In a nutshell, you cannot separate a bid response from a bid request. The two are tied, and as an effective marketer, you need to understand their respective roles in the advertising chain.

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