Healthy Ads works with the world’s biggest Pharmaceutical Advertisers. Many of these pharmaceutical brands are running Direct-to-Consumer Pharmaceutical Advertising campaigns as part of their overall media mix.

Many Pharmaceutical Advertisers run very generic targeting like Geo Targeting or Demographic Targeting as they are required to adhere to local pharmaceutical advertising regulations, such as not targeting individuals with known medical conditions.

Below are some of the Pharmaceutical Advertisers we’ve run programmatically over the last 30 Days.

Bristol Myers Squibb
Novo Nordisk
Reckitt Benckiser Pharmaceuticals
Eli Lilly and Company

Let’s Get Started ! 

Let the Healthy Ads team walk you through all the options available to ensure that your Health, Fitness, Pharmaceutical or Medical campaign has the best possible combination of Premium Guaranteed Inventory, First Party Data and Programmatic elements.