Advertising CBD Products Online

Healthy Ads does allow CBD Advertising and Medical Marijuana across our network of health websites. Compare this to industry giants like Google, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter who have been hesitant to reap the benefits of the hemp industry.

What Is CBD?

Cannabidiol or (CBD) is one of more than a hundred “phytocannabinoid” compounds found in the cannabis plant. However, CBD lacks in THC—the psychoactive component in marijuana. In other words, CBD doesn’t possess the properties to get users inebriated in any way.

Furthermore, CBD has been used medicinally for centuries to treat conditions such as anxiety, inflammation, nausea, headaches, seizures, and insomnia.

CBD Advertising Campaigns

CBD Advertising Campaigns can be executed across Healthy Ads via our Managed Service or Programmatic, however we do tend to prefer running managed services as our teams are expert at navigating some of the challenges presented with when running CBD Advertising Campaigns. Most CBD Advertising Campaigns are run across both our managed supply and 800+ Supply Sources.

Trafficking Strategies for CBD Advertising Campaigns

Whilst every CBD client is different, we generally recommend a few trafficking strategies to drive users to their websites.

1. Targeting CBD Content

So we take a contextual approach to targeting contextually relevant content across CBD and Hemp type content. We can also target people who have a looked at CBD contextual content in the past. We can also build contextual targeting with your direct competitor brands names.

2. Target Specific Medical Conditions

We recommend targeting specific medical conditions to reach potential customers.

Some of the targeting options required by CBD advertisers range from depression to arthritis through to various forms of cancer, see below for a full list of medical conditions. Key goal here is having dedicated landing pages in line with the condition you’re advertising for.

3. Targeting Healthy Lifestyles

Instead of hyper focusing on a targeting option and slightly broadening the targeting can help scale. One such targeting strategy can be reaching people who lead healthy lifestyles which be achieved by reaching contextual content (on page) or healthy lifestyle audience segments.

 4. Targeting 50+ Demographic

CBD products having general / broad appeal across different age groups. However another targeting strategy could be targeting Baby Boomers who generally have a net worth 3x that of younger generations. Add to this they are likley to suffer or start to suffer a medical condition that would benefit from CBD use.  

5. CBD Domains

Whilst there are not many available, targeting specific domains which are all about CDB content is a good targeting. This goes very closely with Targeting CBD Content, but its marked as a separate strategy as we typically add this as a different line item on the media plan.

6. Retargeting – Highly Recommended

It goes without saying, Retargeting is essential to any CBD Advertising Campaign. Retargeting visitors to your website that haven’t converted are a great low hanging fruit strategy. Also targeting campaigns for people that have purchased, but haven’t re visited in 3 months are also a great targeting strategy. We can also use our Universal Pixel to build smaller, highly focused audiences as part of your retargeting campaigns.

CBD Advertising Creatives

Apart from ensuring your creatives adhere to local authorities in terms of making claims within the advertising, we suggest creating two versions of advertising creative for your CBD Advertising Campaign. We recommend this because some publishers are very strict not only from allowing category or brand, but they will only allow certain types of creatives. So we suggest one set of creatives be exactly what you want, the other toned down to ensure that we can run on major publisher websites.

Legalization & CBD Advertising Laws in the USA

The U.S. legalized the production of industrial hemp – the source of CBD oil – with the Agricultural Act of 2014. However, this was more of a pilot program and there was still plenty of grey area, as well as ongoing tension between federal and state authorities over state hemp policies. Fortunately, the Farm Bill of 2018 removed much of the red tape surrounding CBD and hemp production, taking it off the Schedule I Controlled Substance List. As of December 20, 2018, cannabidiol and hemp are now ordinary agricultural commodities. In fact, in the USA 47 states now sell some form of CBD-related product. We suggest you refer to your own states before booking a CBD Advertising Campaign with Healthy Ads.

Medical Conditions & CBD

It’s early days on the medical conditions that CBD products can assist with or provide relief, some of the medical conditions our CBD advertisers actively target for their campaigns.

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
Arnold-Chiari malformation
Cachexia/wasting syndrome
Crohn’s disease
Fibrous Dysplasia
Hepatitis C
Interstitial cystitis
Multiple Sclerosis
Muscular Dystrophy
Myasthenia Gravis
Nail-patella syndrome
Parkinson’s disease
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Reflex sympathetic dystrophy
Residual limb pain
Rheumatoid arthritis
Severe fibromyalgia
Sjogren’s syndrome
Spinal cord disease
Spinal cord injury
Spinocerebellar ataxia
Tarlov cysts
Tourette syndrome
Traumatic brain injury