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False Advertising

False advertising is a no-go for brands that want to build a trustworthy relationship with their customer base. Thankfully, false advertising is not as prevalent with major brands as it used to be. However, many small brands, especially online, will try to deceive their customers into purchasing a product or service that isn’t really what they’re advertising.

So what is false advertising, and how can reputable brands avoid accidentally making a false ad?

What is False Advertising?

False advertising can be defined as the use of false or misleading information in order to advertise products or services to the public. A consumer’s ability to understand that an advertisement is misleading can be impaired by a number of factors, namely emotional states. Positive or gullible people are much more likely to fall victim to false advertising.

Advertisers that use fraudulent advertising will often make claims without citing sources, edit the appearance of their product to be completely different, or claim that a product has a specific health benefit that is completely bogus. In the scope of health and fitness advertising, false advertising will often involve claiming a supplement can cure an illness or that a specific workout routine will change a person’s entire body composition. Some other common types of ad deception include:

  • Photobleaching
  • Leaving out crucial information
  • Hidden fees and surcharges
  • Manipulation
  • Oversized packaging or some type of product filler
  • Comparative ads
  • Term manipulation
  • Incomplete or inconsistent comparison
  • Misleading graphics or photos
  • Bait-and-switch
  • Bogus guarantees
  • Acceptance by default

Government organizations around the globe will regulate false advertising by enacting laws that make physical and digital false advertising illegal. A false advertisement can be classified as harmful and deceptive if there is proof that the advertiser deliberately misled consumers, rather than an honest slip-up or mistake.

It’s very easy to accidentally make a claim that isn’t truthful or create ads that are just a little too much on the side of fantasy. It’s so important for advertisers to properly check their ad campaigns for honesty and integrity.

Why False Advertising is Wrong and Why People are Often Fooled Into Ads

It’s quite easy for many people to fall for false advertising, especially if they tend to be lighthearted or easily fooled. Harder nuts to crack can even fall victim to an advertising campaign’s false claims if they are convincing enough.

False advertising is wrong because it’s essentially the act of scamming consumers into purchasing a product that will not give them the results promised in the ad campaign. It’s in poor taste, often illegal, and can ruin a brand’s reputation.

Luckily, most brands are catching on to the downfalls of false advertising. Consumers in today’s age are harder to manipulate and they are much more likely to withhold trust from companies. Because of this, brands are more interested in providing truthful and honest advertising in order to build a trustworthy relationship with their customers.

Healthy Ads is Dedicated to Honest Advertising Campaigns

At Health Ads, we don’t accept advertising campaigns or materials that make false claims or false promises. We believe that our clients are reputable brands who have the best intentions, and we’re happy to work with you! However, sometimes a less-than-honest comment or image will slip through the cracks.

It’s part of running a successful business– sometimes, a claim is made in poor taste without the brand advertisers even noticing that the content isn’t as truthful as it should be.

We’re happy to work with our advertisers to ensure that their content meets the mark and will gladly offer guidance to ensure that your banner, native, and videos ads meet our honesty standards for programmatic target advertising.

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